DBSK Max Changming almost lost his source of income because of Xiah Junsu?!”

DBSK’s youngest member Max Changmin became the topic of conversation as he exposed that Xiah Junsu almost cut off his source of income.

DBSK, who made an magnificent comeback stage after a year and 7 months, appeared on KBS 2TV ‘Shin Dongyup and Shin Bongsun’s Champagene’ and talked skillfully.

During the ‘Shower Talk- It’s all because of you’ Changmin exposed that because of Xiah Junsu almost stole his source of income. What happened was that at their debut, Changmin held the cute image in the group, but Junsu came out with ‘Angel Xiah’ and took the cute image, resulting in Changmin not having any road to follow. Changmin revealed “Because of him, I just became the tall kid in Dong Bang Shinki”.

After that they revealed that “The members of DBSK had a big fight because we all had our own images but Xiah Junsu messed it up”.

...T_T OMG that's so mean of Max >.<

c: gomdoriii.wordpress.com